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Sunday, 6 November 2016

Support Infant Loss with Saying Goodbye

Ok Social Media friends and family bear with me as I post this, as it is really important to me - in my spare time I am now a voluntary fundraiser for Saying Goodbye (which is part of the Mariposa Trust).
I will be annoying you all by trying to rally up support for this fantastic cause. But firstly I ask you all to do me a favour - as my blogger friends and family please just spare a minute and visit and see what Saying Goodbye is all about and then please, please, please consider them for any fundraising activities you, your family, friends or even your employers may be planning. (You may also like to watch this short film as it’s so powerful -
You would probably be shocked by how many people you know who have been affected directly or indirectly by the loss of a baby at any stage of pregnancy, at birth or in infancy. As some of you already know, I have had many miscarriages and it is so devastating. Having gone through these losses I know how life changing it is. I am of course very lucky to have Blossom, a baby who thrived and survived in the midst of many other babies who didn't. We do not want their lives to be forgotten and through Saying Goodbye (the Mariposa Trust) this will be my contribution to our babies’ legacy.
The families who have to endure these losses really need support and will gain so much from the work of Saying Goodbye, as I have done.
A selection of their Ambassadors includes Prof. Lord Robert Winston, Nigella Lawson, Gabby Logan and Jools Oliver to name a few. Please see the website for more details.
If you would like to speak to me about Fundraising for Saying Goodbye I would love to hear from you....if not I am afraid you will be hearing a lot more from me, about the story behind Saying Goodbye, what led me to Saying Goodbye and how you might be able to help. They really do great work and have helped me so very much.
Thanks so much for reading this you lovely, lovely people x If you would like to donate then please click on this link above this blog. Thank you in advance for any and all donations for this wonderful charity. 

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