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Thursday, 31 May 2012

Here's what someone had to say about The Blossom Method™

Vivien, just about to begin chapter two and already I am amazed. I feel almost embarrassed that I didn't think of it--I mean it's so simple, so natural, so obvious (now) that it's as if humanity has been living in a cave all this time. How could we have NOT recognized this before? One day, parents will look back on your book and say to themselves, "Really? There was a time when people didn't already know this? How could this be?" Congratulations on being the one to figure it out. Makes me wish I had a baby so I could use the Blossom Method right now. :D Hugs!


  1. What a lovely comment. Is is always great to get feedback on your book. It makes you relaise that it was worth writing and that it can really hlep families.

  2. Thank you Naomi. I appreciate you taking the time to pop by and leave a comment. The comments and reviews have been wonderful so far. I couldn't be happier!
