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Saturday, 30 April 2011

Thoughts on meditation

Well I've been thinking about meditation for years and it's only in recent months I have began to do more than think about it!

My wonderful Psychotherapist (you know who you are!) introduced me to the work of Bodhi Paksa. It always makes me smile when I think about his guided meditations. His work introduces the time poor psychotherapist, mother, father, or busy other to the world of guided meditations for busy people.

I've very much benefited from this and wanted to share this with you.

"To be free from thoughts is itself meditation.
You begin by letting thoughts flow and watching them.
The very observation slows down the mind till it stops altogether.
Once the mind is quiet, keep it quiet.
Don't get bored with peace, be in it, and go deeper in it.
Watch your thoughts and watch yourself watching your thoughts.
The sate of freedom from all thoughts will happen suddenly
And by the bliss of it you will recognise it.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj 1973

What's been your experience of meditation?

Warmest wishes Vivien


  1. Also enjoy meditation,find it therapy in it is self.Brings me peace and harmony.Like the little poem.Regards Morgaine

  2. Thanks Morgaine. I am enjoying Bohdi Paksa's Guided Meditations for Busy People. They are mostly 8-10 minute mini meditations that are easy and accessible to most of us. Good to hear from you on here.

  3. Free Guided Meditations are so helpful after those long days where you just need to unwind.
